plastic surgery preparation Tag

If you are planning to undergo nose surgery, you must choose a rhinoplasty surgeon to perform the procedure. A rhinoplasty surgeon is a cosmetic surgeon that specializes in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty surgery, a surgical procedure that alters the structure of the nose. A rhinoplasty is performed to enhance a person's appearance or correct certain nose deformities. Prospective patients need to...

Deciding to undergo a procedure of any kind requires preparation and knowledge. Knowledge is necessary for you to be comfortable with your decision, and the best way to inform yourself is to do your research and ask questions. If you have recently decided to undergo a rhinoplasty procedure, one of the first steps is to schedule a rhinoplasty consultation with...

If you have recently decided to go under the knife to change your appearance, the next step is finding a plastic surgeon. While this may seem simple, choosing the wrong plastic surgeon can negatively affect your overall outcome, wallet, and self-esteem. Since your final results will depend on who is doing the work, knowing how to choose a plastic surgeon...

Preparing correctly for your procedure and knowing what you can and cannot do before facial plastic surgery is critical for optimal healing. When you are having plastic surgery, it pays to pay heed to pre-and post-care recommendations, especially if you want the best results possible. Lifestyle adjustments and following guidelines are often necessary before surgery, which can mean putting your...

After you’ve had a rhinoplasty, you want to ensure that your procedure is just a one-time thing. Properly taking care of yourself after surgery is imperative if you want the results to be the best possible. After any surgical procedure, expect to have some downtime as you heal, as self-care is required for optimal healing. If you recently had a...

If you are planning on getting cosmetic surgery soon, it is essential to be knowledgeable of the procedure that you are planning to undergo. Knowing how to prep before the surgery is important, as well as knowing what to expect afterward. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is your eating habits after surgery. Did you know what you eat...

Anytime you undergo surgery, there will be a recovery period afterward. However, how long this takes depends on a variety of factors. It makes sense that after going under the knife, you would want to bounce back onto your feet as fast as possible. Most of us live a busy, productive life, so it makes sense that you would want...

You’ve taken the first step and made the decision to get plastic surgery, and while this may not seem like much, even getting that far is a significant step. Having surgery of any kind can be unsettling for many, and the process may become overwhelming for some people. Surgery, even if needed, can be pushed back by a person due...

Having plastic surgery during the summer is not for everyone. Many want to use this time to spend time with family at an outdoor gathering or hanging out by the pool. But there is an upside to having plastic surgery done during the summertime. For some, getting time off from work may be more manageable. Also, getting an appointment with...

What is a nasal valve collapse? The cause of a nasal valve collapse can stem from a number of things. Depending on the cause, you may have different nasal valve collapse symptoms. Rhinoplasty and other nose surgeries are the most common culprits. Also, severe trauma to the nose can cause serious inflammation and enlarged nasal tissue that may cause a nasal...

Do you have a deviated septum? If so, you may want to look into deviated septum surgery to lessen your symptoms. What is a deviated septum? Your septum is the wall that divides your nose into two nasal pathways, aka your nostrils. When someone has a deviated septum, they usually have a nasal passage that is much smaller/larger than the other....

Congrats! You’ve booked your very first plastic surgery consultation. Now, you have to prepare. Here’s everything you need to consider, research and ask about during your plastic surgery consultation.  Questions For Your Plastic Surgery Consultation In order to ease your concerns and calm your nerves, we’ve compiled a list of questions to ask your surgeon during your plastic surgery consultation.  Consider asking your...

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