Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips: How to Practice Self-Care After Surgery

Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips

Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips: How to Practice Self-Care After Surgery

After you’ve had a rhinoplasty, you want to ensure that your procedure is just a one-time thing. Properly taking care of yourself after surgery is imperative if you want the results to be the best possible. After any surgical procedure, expect to have some downtime as you heal, as self-care is required for optimal healing. If you recently had a rhinoplasty, or are thinking about one, help ensure a smooth and speedy recovery with these helpful rhinoplasty recovery tips.

Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips: Ways to Help Speed Up Recovery Time

1. After surgery of any kind, it is imperative that you give your body the rest it needs to heal. Vital to the recovery process, getting adequate sleep each night can help give your body the energy it needs to heal itself.
2. Following a rhinoplasty, sleep with your head elevated for at least six weeks by propping your head up with pillows or sleeping in a recliner. Sleeping on your side or belly can cause additional swelling and bruising, which will prolong the recovery process.
3. Besides getting plenty of rest, watching what you put into your body can help immensely. Nutrients, particularly from food, are necessary for the body to heal. Getting plenty of vitamins and protein in your diet can help your body rebuild after a surgical procedure.
4. Using a cold compress after surgery can help speed up your recovery time and give you some relief, especially during the first 72 hours. However, never apply a cold compress directly on your nose since it may shift your cartilage or bones. Instead, use a cold compress to your cheeks to help reduce swelling.
5. If possible, do not wear glasses after a rhinoplasty. Instead, wear contacts until you get the clear. If that’s not possible, wear the lightest possible frame only when necessary. Otherwise, the pressure put on your nose after surgery can increase swelling and bruising and might even cause you to need revision rhinoplasty in time.
6. After a rhinoplasty, it is essential that you do not blow your nose. Experiencing congestion for a few weeks after surgery is normal, but you must resist the urge until the swelling goes down. When it comes to a sneeze, while you can’t always prevent it, try to sneeze through your mouth, not your nose. Otherwise, you could damage your nasal passages and slow down the recovery time.

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