Surgical Procedures Information

Although facelifts and facial fat transfers both help reduce the signs of aging, they are not interchangeable procedures. For this reason, it is important to know the necessary information so you can decide which procedure is the right one for you. You may have decided to take the surgical approach to rejuvenate your appearance, but now it is time to...

Before getting plastic surgery, your surgeon probably advised you not to smoke, but what they might have missed is the importance kick your nicotine addiction in general. Smoking is extremely dangerous for pre-operative preparation but it is the nicotine specifically in your system is dangerous when having plastic surgery. When having a plastic surgery procedure that requires lifting of the skin,...

With the start of spring and the idea of summer approaching, the need for a perfect summer bod is very clearly present. Many people are turning to plastic surgery during these spring months, so they have enough time to recover and look great just in time for the beach! The most common body contouring procedure is a tummy tuck or...

It’s common to experience changes in our facial skin as we age. Over time, elastin and collagen break down, and as a result of our skin gradually loses its elasticity. When this happens, fat can gather on the upper and lower eyelids, and it can make you look older. Also, your upper eyelids may droop, your eyebrows may sag, and...

Getting plastic surgery can elicit feelings of excitement, fear, stress, and so many others. Often, patients work themselves up so much before their surgery, they don't think about the most important part, which is post plastic surgery care. Yes, what happens in the operating room is absolutely a vital part of recovery and results, but how patients care for themselves after...

You've heard of a rhinoplasty, or nose job before, but what about a septorhinoplasty? In the past few years, we've seen a huge spike in septorhinoplasty in NYC, with patients often seeking help from a plastic surgeon for cosmetic and medical issues with their nose. So, what is a septorhinoplasty and is it the right procedure for you? Before you go...

If there was a procedure available to tighten sagging facial skin, with virtually no down time or pain, no anesthesia, and no surgery, would you believe it? As it turns out, Ultherapy offers all the benefits of a facelift, without any scarring or downtime. The results can even rival those of a facelift. If you're considering going under the knife to...

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