Doctor’s Advice

Sometimes life happens and injuries occur. Nasal trauma can happen to anyone, but understanding the injury and treatment options will make it more likely for a full recovery. First, it is important to understand what nasal trauma is. Nasal trauma is an injury of the nose or areas that support it. Both external and internal injuries can cause nasal trauma....

Summer is here, and it’s full of vacations, trips to the beach, backyard get togethers, and other outdoor activities. It’s time to have fun and let loose! Before you head out under the hot sun, it is important to know about photoaging and the permanent damage it can cause to your skin. Photoaging As people age, the skin will lose its...

What better way to start your summer morning than with a nutritious, easy, and refreshing smoothie for breakfast? Even better, these smoothies are packed with different vitamins to help your skin look its best. Get ready to start glowing from the inside out with these smoothie recipes for beautiful skin. Green Power Smoothie We can guarantee that the deliciously sweet fruit in...

Before getting plastic surgery, your surgeon probably advised you not to smoke, but what they might have missed is the importance kick your nicotine addiction in general. Smoking is extremely dangerous for pre-operative preparation but it is the nicotine specifically in your system is dangerous when having plastic surgery. When having a plastic surgery procedure that requires lifting of the skin,...

Insecurities about your face are extremely common. Conquering the whole face can be quite the difficult task, but targeting specific areas is becoming a popular trend within the plastic surgery world. This trend is called Designer Facial Fillers, or Dermal Fillers. This procedure is an injectable procedure that helps smoothen different parts of your face. These designer fillers are designed to...

With the start of spring and the idea of summer approaching, the need for a perfect summer bod is very clearly present. Many people are turning to plastic surgery during these spring months, so they have enough time to recover and look great just in time for the beach! The most common body contouring procedure is a tummy tuck or...

The effects of aging come to everyone, eventually. Wrinkles start to appear, facial fat and collagen reduce. The force of gravity applies itself more and more. However, the most obvious place for the signs of aging to appear is in the face and neck. Today there are many advanced solutions for the timeless issue of aging. Treatments range from the...

In today’s chemical and implant filled world of modern facial treatments and enhancements, it can be hard to find natural alternatives to cosmetic surgery. One natural procedure that stood the test of time is fat transfers, also known as fat grafting. Fat transfers were pioneered in 1893 by Dr. Franz Neuber, who first used the treatment to reconstruct a patient’s...

A poet once asked, “What is it about the nose that brings the face together.” Some people love their nose, while many also profoundly dislike theirs. Its look and function can affect not only how we feel about ourselves, but also how others perceive us as well. If something is going on, it is very apparent due to its location...

It’s common to experience changes in our facial skin as we age. Over time, elastin and collagen break down, and as a result of our skin gradually loses its elasticity. When this happens, fat can gather on the upper and lower eyelids, and it can make you look older. Also, your upper eyelids may droop, your eyebrows may sag, and...

January is the month for resolutions, as people use this time to improve upon themselves. While cosmetic surgery alone used never be used as the sole source of building one’s self-esteem, it is an excellent way to enhance some of your best facial features. Luckily, there are non-surgical cosmetic treatments available that can help you look and feel your best...

The New Year is approaching, and what better time to start thinking about your resolutions for 2017. While many people concentrate on having a healthy body, many neglect their skin. The state of your skin can affect your overall outlook and can affect your health as well. Your body’s first line of defense is having healthy, moisturized skin. Skin acts...

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