How Can I Prepare for Plastic Surgery?

Prepare for Plastic Surgery

How Can I Prepare for Plastic Surgery?

You’ve taken the first step and made the decision to get plastic surgery, and while this may not seem like much, even getting that far is a significant step. Having surgery of any kind can be unsettling for many, and the process may become overwhelming for some people. Surgery, even if needed, can be pushed back by a person due to their personal feelings and fear. However, taking steps to become prepared beforehand can go a long way in settling your nerves and can help the whole process run smoother. Luckily, following the general guidelines below can help you successfully prepare for plastic surgery.

To help you prepare for plastic surgery, we are providing the following recommendations that can help you get ready for your upcoming appointment.

• While this may seem like a no brainer, but make sure you plan your surgery for a day and time that is convenient for you unless, of course, you require immediate surgery. If you are going in for elective plastic surgery, then ensure you make it for a day and time that falls in line with your day to day schedule to help lower the possibility of it becoming a stressful event.
• If you drink alcohol, even occasionally, and/or smoke, stop doing so before your scheduled surgery date. Alcohol should be avoided for 72 hours, at least, before surgery since it can suppress the immune system. Smoking should be avoided for at least two weeks before surgery since it can increase your risk of complications and lengthen the healing process.
• Educate yourself on what to expect prior to your surgery date, so you can have a plan in place and are able to feel comfortable going into surgery. Knowing the facts can help put your mind at ease, especially since questions and concerns will arise. This is normal, but make sure you address any and all questions and concerns with your doctor.
• Make sure you have a plan in place for after surgery, including your way home. Often, a patient is unable to drive after surgery, so make sure you arrange a ride home prior to surgery. Going further, setting up accommodations so you can recover without complications, and streamline the process is crucial. Don’t wait until the last minute to transform your living area to accommodate you or a loved one during their recovery.

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