What You Need to Know Before Booking a Revision Rhinoplasty

Nose Job NYC

What You Need to Know Before Booking a Revision Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries available. Technically speaking, it is also one of the most challenging. Revision rhinoplasty can be even more difficult due to the presence of scar tissue and other intricacies to the procedure.

Although no one undergoes rhinoplasty with the expectation of needing revision procedure, dissatisfaction with results is a reality for a number of rhinoplasty patients, be it the cosmetic appearance of development of breathing difficulties. Even well-executed procedures can have issues arise during the healing process such as unusual healing, irregular scarring, and cartilage warping. When considering a revision rhinoplasty, here’s what you need to know before booking an appointment:

It must be at least a year since your first rhinoplasty.

Generally, it is necessary for at least one year to pass prior to getting revision rhinoplasty to allow all swelling to go down from the first procedure. A minor issue could quickly turn into a major problem if a revision is done too soon, so it is crucial to be patient. The being said, exceptions can be made in emergency situations where the repairs must be done sooner.

Choose a qualified surgeon who specializes in this procedure.

When choosing a surgeon, be sure to check that they are not only board-certified but also specialized in revision rhinoplasty. Because revision rhinoplasty can be challenging to perform, choosing a specialist in the procedure can help ensure it will be done to your satisfaction. Request to see a portfolio of their previous work with before and after photos of their other patients.

Make sure your goals are realistic.

Expectations are important, especially that they are realistic with what you’re looking to achieve with revision rhinoplasty. Make sure you and your surgeon communicate openly about what is possible functionally and cosmetically and what you can anticipate after the surgery. Limitations can play a role in revision rhinoplasties such as aesthetic goals, the thickness of your skin, surrounding facial features, and the extent of the previous surgery. Because revision surgery can be an intense process, work with your chosen surgeon to determine the best course of action to get the results you want.

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