Facial Fat Transfer or Facelift: What’s the Difference?

Fat Transfer or Facelift

Facial Fat Transfer or Facelift: What’s the Difference?

As we age, it’s natural for us to develop folds and wrinkles in our skin. A normal part of aging, our skin starts to sag, and our faces lose volume, which for some can reduce a person’s self-esteem and confidence. Luckily, there are options available if you want to look years younger and renew your confidence. Two great options for restoring vitality and youthful-looking appearances are a facial fat transfer and a facelift. But do you choose a fat transfer or facelift?

Knowing whether a facial fat transfer or facelift will give you your desired results is important to know. Both procedures address different concerns and are entirely different procedures. To help you decide on the right procedure, learn more about each procedure before planning out your visit.

Facial Fat Transfer

During this surgical procedure, fat is used from the patient’s body to help restore volume. Fat can be removed from the hips, stomach, and anywhere else that is available before it is used for facial rejuvenation. Fat transfers don’t involve facial incisions, so it is less invasive than many other surgical procedures, and the results are long-lasting. Most of the fat transferred is able to provide ongoing volume and becomes permanently established.


With a facelift, the lower face and neck tissue areas are lifted to help give a person a rejuvenated, youthful appearance. So if you have sagging skin, wrinkles and are experiencing other signs of aging, a facelift might be the appropriate choice. Facelifts can tighten and lift the skin while addressing the underlying tissues. The result is long-lasting and produces a natural, youthful appearance, all while slowing down the aging process. Luckily, this procedure is less traumatic than it used to be. For those who get this procedure done before they have signs of severe aging, the incision is smaller, making for a shorter recovery period.

A plastic surgeon can help determine which procedure is right for you. If you are interested in learning more about these procedures or would like a consultation, contact us today!

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