How to: Get Rid of Neck Fat Fast


How to: Get Rid of Neck Fat Fast

It’s typical for our skin to sag, loosen and wrinkle as we get older, and that’s perfectly okay. For some, the hardest hit spot throughout aging is the chin and neck area. While some people welcome the signs of aging, others aren’t so comfortable. Whether you have a big event coming up or just want to feel more confident when you look in the mirror, here’s how you can get rid of neck fat fast. 

How to Get Rid of Neck Fat Fast

We understand that aging can have a negative effect on your confidence. Sometimes different parts of our bodies, like our neck and chin, do not respond to dieting and exercise. While facelifts are available and effective, the procedure is quite invasive and requires some post-surgery downtime. Luckily, there are a few options available to remove neck fat that provides fast results. 

Liposuction: Liposuction is typically used to redefine and improve your facial profile. Tightening the skin around your jaw and neck radiates a significantly more youthful appearance. Neck and chin liposuction is effective, minimally invasive and successfully removes fat and tightens skin in your desired areas. This procedure leaves minimal scarring and long-term results. 

Ultherapy: Ultherapy is a newer procedure used to lift and tone the skin with the use of ultrasound therapy. A lot of patients love Ultherapy because it requires zero downtime or surgery and is non-invasive. The ultrasound technology used in this procedure stimulates elastin production and collagen in the skin. Ultherapy is also great for smoothing out unwanted wrinkles.

When to Consider These Procedures

Before taking the plunge, make sure the procedure is right for you.

You may want to consider neck/chin liposuction if you have a weak profile, want to restore your jawline, have fullness under your neck/chin, want to reduce the size of your neck or have stubborn fatty tissue in the area that does not respond to dieting and exercise. 

Ultherapy is better for patients who want great results without a surgical commitment. This procedure reduces visible lines and wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin by targeting deep layers of tissue under your skin. This treatment is also for those who want to target very specific and precise areas of their face.

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