Kybella Injections: Getting Rid of Your Stubborn Double Chin

Kybella Injections

Kybella Injections: Getting Rid of Your Stubborn Double Chin

Do you have stubborn, unwanted fat under your chin? Kybella injections may be the saving grace to dissolve your “double chin” and boosts your confidence.

A Non-Invasive Solution to Unwanted Chin Fat

Kybella injections are a great alternative to surgical procedures like liposuction. This is because the injections are non-invasive and do not require incisions. Kybella is currently the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that minimizes the appearance of a double chin.

How Kybella Injections Work

The injections contain deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule found in the body that aids in fat digestion by destroying the membrane of fat cells. Deoxycholic acid melts chin fat over the course of a few weeks and provides permanent results.

The Procedure

The injections should take in or around 20 minutes. Most patients opt for multiple treatments for full effectiveness. Many doctors and patients are advocates of the “treat to complete” methodology, and the average patient requires two to four treatments. The downtime for Kybella is minimal, making it attractive to those who are not ready to fully commit to traditional plastic surgery.

Am I the Right Candidate for Kybella Injections?

Kybella is perfect for those over the age of 18 with unwanted chin fat independent of their body weight. Although many women are attracted to the effects of injections, an increasing amount of men have shown interested in Kybella to add greater definition to their jawline. Kybella is not suitable for pregnant women because the research for injection’s effect on a fetus is still ongoing.

Side Effects of Kybella Injections

Pain, swelling, bruising and slight discomfort are all common side effects. These minor side effects should subdue in one to two weeks.

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