14 Aug Keep Your Cool with These Skincare Tips for Humidity
If you’re planning a summer trip to a tropical destination, expect some major humidity. There’s so much to do to prepare for your summer vacation, but don’t forget about your skin! The humid climate can be tricky for skin care. The closer you get to the equator the more you’re gonna sweat. In humidity, the sweat actually stays on your skin longer because of the density in the air. It can’t evaporate! It’s still important to stay moisturized, but how do you avoid the unwanted shine and grime? Here are our tips for maintaining a healthy glow in the summer humidity.
Remove buildup
When it’s humid out, it is important to keep your skin clear of buildup. Humidity causes buildup to stay on your skin all day and start to seep into your pores. One way to remove buildup is with double cleansing. It’s a simple way to ensure your skin is clear every night before bed. First, remove your makeup, but don’t stop there, it’s important to do a double cleanse and clean the skin again. This will ensure removal of that extra sweat and debris that builds up on the skin in humid weather conditions.
Another essential way to get rid of the grime is to exfoliate. Although exfoliation should always be a part of your routine, it’s especially important in those humid climates to get deep into pores after the accumulation of dead skin-cell and dirt has been trapped on the skin’s surface all day long.
Eliminate toxins
Humidity can actually promote the growth of bacteria! Having some deep cleansing days in your routine is essential to arm your skin for battling that humidity. Charcoal-based products and mud or clay masks can help draw out debris, and toxins, as well as purify pores to minimize their appearance. Charcoal almost magically removes dirt, makeup, and grease from the skin, leaving you looking deeply clean. Another way to reduce toxins on the skin is by going back to basics and using natural products with minimal ingredients like coconut oil which is a natural anti-acne product.
Less is more
In a humid climate, it’s time to get rid of those heavy, oily products and lighten up. Try using a gel cleanser, oil-free toner, and lightweight, water-based, moisturizer. Also be sure to use watery gel-based sunscreens and chose the right makeup like a powder or tinted moisturizer to allow the skin to breathe as much as possible.
Control the shine
We all love a good pop of highlight on the cheeks, but it is not something you want all over the face. Get it under control using Also try blotting your face throughout your busy day. Just pop some tissues or special blotting paper in your purse for when you’re feeling a little too glowy to absorb sweat and oil and lose the unwanted shine.