Rethink Facial Rejuvenation with Facial Fat Transfer

Facial Rejuvenation with Facial Fat Transfer

Rethink Facial Rejuvenation with Facial Fat Transfer

If you have been searching for a treatment to look younger and naturally rejuvenated, a facial fat transfer may be just the procedure you’ve been hoping to find. If you are turned off by invasive procedures like a facelift, it is certainly possible to undergo age-rewinding treatments without the need for surgery. Achieving facial rejuvenation with facial fat transfer only requires a minimally invasive procedure, and it provides long-lasting results. Here are the top benefits you can expect from this treatment:

Minimally invasive and low-risk

With facial fat transfers, no general anesthesia is used. In addition to being minimally invasive, it is also a low-risk procedure. Because it provides enhancement without injecting any synthetic materials, there is a much lower chance for an allergic reaction in patients.

Natural-looking restored appearance

A facial fat transfer is an effective way to restore volume back into areas of the face where age-related sinking and sagging may occur. For this reason, the treatment helps provide refreshed eyes, rounded cheeks, and supple skin with reduced wrinkles. Because the treatment uses fat from you own body, the “like with like” aspect gives you much more natural-looking results than a synthetic injectable. Not only that, but it also has a much more natural feel in your face.

Long-lasting results

Results from this procedure are immediate and continue to improve in the weeks to follow after the treatment. While dermal fillers and other synthetic treatments are helpful in temporarily restoring lost volume in the face, facial fat transfers offer long-term, even permanent results.


Because the fat transfers from your body yield longer results by remaining in your face permanently, there is no need for consistently recurring injections to maintain rejuvenation. As this is a long-lasting restorative solution, it also proves more cost effective than many of the other repeat treatments available.

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