Easy Ways Freshen Up Your Look for the Holidays

Freshen Up Your Look for the Holidays

Easy Ways Freshen Up Your Look for the Holidays

The holidays are a time to reunite with loved ones, enjoy the festivities of the season, and take plenty of photos. During a time that you’ll likely want to look your best. As the holiday season is in full swing, it’s time to act fast. Luckily, there are 7 easy ways to freshen up your look for the holidays.

Stay Hydrated

Holidays are an indulgent time, meaning plenty of salty comfort food and dehydrating alcohol. This can take a toll on your skin, but drinking enough water will help counteract the effects of what you eat. Staying hydrated promotes healthy functioning of all your organs, including your largest organ: your skin.

Use a Deep Facial Moisturizer

While it may be warm and cozy inside your homes, the cold and icy weather is still blustering outside. Winter is incredibly harsh on the skin, so a deep moisture face cream will penetrate far into the tissue for intense hydration.

Add a Face Serum to Your Routine

During this cold winter season, facial moisturizer may not be enough in your skin care routine to combat the dryness. Adding a hydrating facial serum will bring extra moisture along with other beneficial nutrients to your skin.

Vanish Wrinkles with Botox

In a matter of minutes, you can be in and out of the office with Botox injections. The effects of Botox treatment can show as early as in 3 days. Ultimately final result will show in about a week. Botox is a quick and easy treatment when performed by a skilled professional, that will significantly minimize the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

Have Fun With Festive Makeup

The holidays are a time to have fun, and that includes having fun with your look. Golds, reds, even glitter: this season is a great time to try something new.

Add Highlighter for Glowing Skin

Highlighter is a great addition to your makeup routine to bring radiance to some of your best features. Paired with a good contour, you can add depth, warmth, and glow to your face.

Remove Your Double Chin with Kybella

If you have a double chin you’re feeling self-conscious about, Kybella may be the perfect solution for you. Kybella is an FDA-approved injection treatment that melts fat to remove a double chin. This quick injection is nonsurgical and requires almost no post-treatment care.

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