Designer Facial Fillers are the Perfect Targeted Product for Your Face

Designer Facial Fillers

Designer Facial Fillers are the Perfect Targeted Product for Your Face

Insecurities about your face are extremely common. Conquering the whole face can be quite the difficult task, but targeting specific areas is becoming a popular trend within the plastic surgery world. This trend is called Designer Facial Fillers, or Dermal Fillers. This procedure is an injectable procedure that helps smoothen different parts of your face.

These designer fillers are designed to target specific areas of your face. Some of the most popular procedures include adding volume and smoothing out laugh lines that run from the nose to the mouth, plumping lips and smoothing out the lines and edges around the lips, enhancing the cheek area, filling out bags under the eye area, and evening out scars from acne and or chicken box. These fillers are allowing cosmetic doctors to expand their repertoire while at the same time allowing their patients to rejuvenate and recontour without having to go under the knife.

Designer, or Dermal fillers, are different from Botox for many reasons. The main difference is that Botox is used to stop muscle movement that creates wrinkles, while dermal fillers plump and smooth the skin. Dermal fillers are also naturally derived. These new facial fillers are becoming so popular because they offer a more natural look to spots that are often tough to target. They give a lasting impact that will help solve any facial imperfections in the easiest possible way. Most facial fillers last a while, six months to two years to be exact, but you can also find some semi-permanent procedures that last up to 5 years!

Designer fillers are a great alternative to anti-aging procedures if skincare products are no longer working for you. Wrinkles and other signs of aging are inevitable with the forces of age, gravity, muscle movement, fat loss, and the sun.

For more information on these designer facial fillers, talk to your doctor to see which procedure might be best for you!

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