25 Sep Are Ultherapy Results Too Good To Be True?
If there was a procedure available to tighten sagging facial skin, with virtually no down time or pain, no anesthesia, and no surgery, would you believe it? As it turns out, Ultherapy offers all the benefits of a facelift, without any scarring or downtime. The results can even rival those of a facelift. If you’re considering going under the knife to combat facial laxity, consider these facts about sagging skin and Ultherapy first.
What Causes Skin Sagging?
When you are young, your body produces plenty of collagen and elastin, two substances responsible for supporting the skin’s structure and smoothness. Over time, however, the body produces less and less of these substances, causing the skin to become lax, particularly thin skin areas around the face.
How Does Ultherapy Work?
Ultherapy harnesses the power of ultrasound technology to target skin at its deepest layers to boost collagen production and tighten and firm sagging skin. Ultherapy results are natural, yet noticeable, and patients typically only require one treatment to see results.
How Long Does It Take To See Results
While some procedures, like Kybella, can take a few months before any noticeable results appear, Ultherapy takes only one 30-90 minute session to see results. Not only can the procedure be performed on the face, but many patients see great results from Ultherapy on the neck and chest.
Does It Hurt?
Some plastic surgery procedures can be painful or uncomfortable, but one of the many benefits of Ultherapy is that it is quick and painless. Most patients experience a warming sensation, but there is no anesthesia required and no downtime after the procedure.
How Long Do Ultherapy Results Last?
While patients can see the results of their procedure immediately, it could take up to three months before the full results can be seen. Ultherapy results generally last about a year before another treatment is required. This treatment is not for everyone, however, as those with extreme skin laxity may opt for a surgical procedure to see dramatic results.