Plastic Surgery Research

Which is the better option for you? As with most surgery options, the best one you can choose depends on the patient, their anatomy, and the problem they are looking to fix. Because of this, it is important to understand both facial liposuction and Kybella procedures. Facial Liposuction For Neck Contouring Facial liposuction has proven itself over the years as a procedure...

Facial liposuction is the surgical removal of fat from the chin, jawline, and neck. This procedure may be the answer to your concerns if there is stubborn fat around your chin and jawline that you would like to remove. If you’ve been considering facial liposuction, there are some things you need to know first. To help you with your research,...

There are multiple reasons why you may be considering rhinoplasty surgery. This can go beyond cosmetic purposes and can be used to repair damage or treat medical conditions. Regardless of your reasons for rhinoplasty, choosing this procedure can seriously benefit your quality of life. Cosmetic Reasons for Rhinoplasty Your nose is a prominent feature on your face, which can be a good or...

Although facelifts and facial fat transfers both help reduce the signs of aging, they are not interchangeable procedures. For this reason, it is important to know the necessary information so you can decide which procedure is the right one for you. You may have decided to take the surgical approach to rejuvenate your appearance, but now it is time to...

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