Before & After

The Before & After images below use a slider to show the difference in the patient.

Want to know if plastic surgery is right for you? See for yourself! View some of Dr. Horn’s work as a top plastic surgeon in NYC. Simply click or tap on the white line and drag it left and right to compare the images.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

During rhinoplasty surgery, our goal is to help you achieve your desired nose with natural results. Rhinoplasty is also used to correct any type of problem with your nose or nostrils. Our specially-trained surgeons have years of expertise in reconstructive surgery.

Nasal Trauma

If you’ve experienced nasel trauma and have a broken or fractured nose, Dr. Corinne Horn is highly trained in correcting any post-traumatic issues, as well as improving the cosmetic appearance of the nose.


Plastic Surgery in NYC is an important decision that can help you look and feel your best. With facelift surgery, you can significantly improve the signs of aging in your face and even help you to look younger.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfar offers facial rejuvenation that plumps your facial features, reduces wrinkles and signs of aging.

Kybella & Ultherapy

To treat unwanted fat under the chin, we offer Kybella and Ultherapy. Both are non-surgical procedures to improve your jawline.


Chin/Neck Liposuction

Because of genetics and the natural aging process, the chin and neck often develop stubborn excess fat. Liposuction effectively removes the fat from those areas.




Also known as eyelid surgery, our skilled facial plastic surgeon can provide you with a more rejuvenated and youthful look with a blepharoplasty.


For more information about procedures or our highly-skilled plastic surgeon in NYC, contact us today!


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